Moggy's Log April 2024

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Moggy's Log April 2024

Post by Moggy »

I have got some stuff done this month, between migraine bouts (swear by immigran!).

Started by continuing with the scenarios in the Italy/Balkan/Ukraine setup by looking at a theatre/planes setup for the "Transylvanian Crisis" of August 1940. This was a brief spat started by Hungary, which wanted back the Transylvanian territory awarded to Romania after the First World War. This would require a few extra planes not yet in the inventory i.e. the SM75, and the Fiat G12.


(G12 - except that it needs early war Hungarian chevrons!)

However, before I started working on that, we had a query about the working of default EAW campaigns in 1.6. This was settled in short order by Mr.Jelly who created a new default campaigns exe which - for default campaigns - seems to have sorted out the problems. See viewtopic.php?p=41659#p41659

That however created a discussion in the Code Group about campaigns in general, and the other setups, Spanish Civil War, Finland, and South Pacific Air War which had their own campaign setups.

Spain, we found worked okay with Mr.Jelly's new campaign exe.

Finland was a different matter, as that great mod originally created for EAW 126, and updated for 128C and 128E, used its own manager programme to run campaign missions. Of course, its still completely possible to run Finland in 128C/E.

I was interested to see what we could do in 1.6. Mr.Jelly had made a version of the theatre for EAW 1.5 which would run single missions and work online. This was useable in 1.6. I was looking at a way to use this Baltic Eastern theatre in my Eastern front setup, albeit it used its own tile matrix map. The Finnish air force planes were not yet in the 1.6 inventory, but the original plane set and (new style) FMs were within the "Planes_ETO" folder which is part of the standard 1.6 download. It is also possible, and I did, to use the Finnish plane models in that folder, and make a new planeset using (old style) FMs from the inventory.

So that worked okay. But then it seemed a good idea to add some of the Finnish planes not in that original set. So these were the captured Lagg-3s, the Hurricanes, the Bulldog, the CaudronC714, and the Finnish built Myrsky.

Made a skin for the Lagg and the Caudron (Ray Otton's original models), using skin elements originally created by Flying Tiger:



Flying Tiger had long since created a Finnish versions of the early Hurricane and the Bristol Bulldog, which just needed conversion to 1.6:



No-one has ever created a 3dz of the Finnish Myrsky, so I started on that using the similar Hawk 75 as a base:


Work on that continues.

I am also working on the possibilities of adding the 1944-45 "Lapland War" fought by by the Finns after the armstice with the USSR, to clear the Finnish North of German forces, and the 1944 Soviet campaign against German forces in Estonia. These work on the original Finland map, but we'll see.

As to South Pacific Air War, Ray and Jel are currently working on a version which will run the campaigns in 1.6. This is a great EAW scenario and I am looking forward to the newly revised version.
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Re: Moggy's Log April 2024

Post by rotton50 »

When you're satisfied with the new models send them over to me and I'll add them to the new Aircraft_Inventory I'm working on. Right now the massive update includes about 125 new planes plus all sorts of fixes and upgrade to the existing ones. :mrgreen:
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Re: Moggy's Log April 2024

Post by Moggy »

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