Campaign problems

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Moderator: rotton50

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Re: Battle of Britain campaign issue

Post by rotton50 »

Tried out this new set, no CTD's yet but:

1 - No music nor engine sounds. Gun sounds, landing gear sounds and explosions are there.
2 - Cockpits are much closer than built causing many gauges to be below sight level.
3 - Some screens are the wrong size.
4 - On the F4F the selections on the hangar screen aren't at the bottom but instead randomly scattered. You need to hit the RH mouse button to see where they are.
5 - Planes are at sea level on carrier airfields.
6 - Medal on first campaign mission even though it was aborted.

No sure how this fits in:

1 - All of the models in the Aircraft_Inventory are in the same subfolder, not divided by Allies/Axis.
2 - There are a lot of added planes in the mix like "SPAW_F1M2 FLOAT21J" and "Midway_Catalina" that I have no idea where they came from, with no explanation of what the difference is from the originals.
2 - There is only one Planeset available for SPAW, the original ModSquad one from the first SPAW release.
3 - Pretty sure it's the original target set too, not the vastly improved one from SPAWFinalCut.

So, this is NOT ready for primetime and should be taken down until we figure out something that works for MP, Single Mission and Campaigns.
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