Campaign newsreels

A Project to model the 1944 Carrier air battles of the Pacific
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Campaign newsreels

Post by Moggy »

I've downloaded a number of newsreel items from the Pathe site, whcih when converted into .smk format we can hopefully use as campaign newsreels. I think I understand right that we now understand the relevant code in the campaign files which triggers the playing of the newsreels.

So far I have items relating to Truk, Saipan, Guam, Leyte Gulf and Luzon. They are currently in .wmv format. I'll place them in the file repository ASAP so that everyone can get a look at them.
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Post by Moggy »

I have now uploaded the first swathe of newsreel videos to the file repository - in the "video" folder. For any of sensitive disposition (does that include anyone here? :lol: ) I should note that these are contemporary Pathe newsreels, and the commentators do not know much about PC.

Post by geg »

thanks moggy :)
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Post by Moggy »

I've uploaded the remainder of the newsreels - so we have material on Truk, Saipan, Guam, Palau, Leyte Gulf, and quite a bit on the various Phillippine actions.
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