CAW screens and graphics

A Project to model the 1944 Carrier air battles of the Pacific
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Post by Pobs »


I like the idea a lot... :)

just thought I would mention it :)...



Two centimes worth

Post by Wudpecker »

If I may, I like all three intro screens--the comic book style, Aussie Jim's first screen and your first screen (might as well put all objects in focus--I don't believe you have to worry about copyright if using only part of an image).

I don't care for the blood on the logo. Doesn't need it at all. Looks good otherwise.


there all great screens...just one point tho

Post by thetonester »

there all great screens...just one point tho....the 2nd one of aussie jims is already the main screen for woolfmans oahu scenario....just thought yas might like to be aware of that.T
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Post by Moggy »

Thanks Tone,

Dean is messing with messerschimdts (oh damm never could spell that :lol: ) at the moments, but will be back on screens before too long.


Post by Edward »

I just love the work done on CAW so far. I hope DeanH dosn't mind but I did some screens, and would like to volunteer to do whatever else you guys need. Perhaps I could help with the campaign files, screens or skins. Here are some screens I did and a screenshot:

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Post by Moggy »

Hello Edward,

As you can see from the list, Dean has the remit for the CAW screens, but its always nice to let players have a choice.

There will be a lot of stuff to do presently, so stay tuned, and then we'll probably have more jobs than people :wink:

Nice screenie. CAW is definitely looking good already!

EDWARD's Screens

Post by Wudpecker »

Just a comment:

Edward's Briefing screen with all the pilots gathered 'round looks terrific.

Post by DeanH »

Agree with you on that Wudpecker, Sorry I haven't been around much of late chaps.

BTW Wudpecker: Blood on the logo? Was that my one you meant? If so, there ISN'T any blood???
I 'guess' you mean the red stuff though?
If you could go back to the first page, and have another look at it, check out that red area, it is, in fact, a 'head on' image (silhouette) of an AC Carrier. Perhaps it's the brightness of the red that you found distracting? - If I remember correctly, I think I was a little restricted by the palette colours into using that colour (not sure though) I think I was trying to maintain some strength in the image, y'see. BUT I take your point, if that is what it looks like when the image size is reduced, then it may require some adjusting?...

Edward, mate, I have NO problem with you offering these alternatives, as Moggy says, More jobs than people, so keep it up mate! :D

If those images are in the 'screen' palettes then they're a good translation. Regarding the 'pilots gathered around' screen. It IS a good image, and evocative of the game. Perhaps shuffling the selectors a little could help? ie, the "fly mission" choice could be "ON" the AC itself? and perhaps the "parameters" could be down to where his hand is on the ground (might need an adjustment of the image?)
But I DO like the idea, I have a couple of other pix in a similar vein, I might 'fake' a couple up, so we can see what else would work like this?

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Post by Moggy »

Hello Dean,

Good to hear from you. By all means!

CAW is on a long slide to completion. We have all the planes thanks to Kurt. Pobs has carriers in hand. We mostly have the world, though the Phillipines could probably do with some work. The big zero at the moment is the campaign files, but I expect we'll get to them in due course.

Post by Wudpecker »

Edward and Aussie Jim (and Dean, too).

Some of your mainscreen and mission screen ideas would look very good for "New Midway"---if we can talk Moggy into it.

As a member of both forums on The Gen, I saw Edward's great shots and Jim's too. Moggy said they aren't needed here, so they could sure be useful over at the Midway upgrade.
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Post by Moggy »

Here we are some 18 months later ....

The job of making any and all of the screens for CAW is currently open, so if anyone faces having a go .....
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Post by rotton50 »

I can help. Let me know what you need.
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Post by Moggy »

So far as screens go anything and everything, main screen, aircraft selection, hangars - I'm working on temporary lashups at the moment.
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Hangar screens

Post by rotton50 »

Can you give me a list of the planes to include?
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Post by Moggy »

US Aircraft in US/British slots looking like this:

US slots

P38H - B25 Mitchell - Air Force/USMC Marine Aircraft Wing 2/4 ???
P38J - Ventura - USN Fleet Air Wing 2
P47C - Thunderbolt - 7th Air Force
P47D - Hellcat - USN )
P51B - Helldiver - USN ) Carrier Air Groups
P51D - Avenger - USN )

B17F - Liberator - 7th AF
B24D - PB4Y - USN )
B26B - PBY5 - USN ) Fleet Air Wing 2

British slots

hurr - Wildcat - USN - Escort Carrier Groups
sp2a - Dauntless - USMC )
sp09 - Corsair - USMC ) Marine Aircraft Wing 2/4
sp14 - Avenger - USMC )
typh - P38H Lightning 7th AF

mosq - Liberator - 13th Air Force

This reflects the US effort in this theatre which came from:

USN Carrier Air Groups - Avengers and Helldivers supported by Hellcats- Major attacks on Truk, Maraianas, Plau, Phillipines

USN Escort Carrier Air Groups - Wildcats and Dauntless supporting landing forces in Marianas, Palau, Phillipines

USN Fleet Air Wing - PBYs and Venturas on bombing runs on various Japanese island bases

USMC 2nd and 4th Marine Aircraft Wings - Corsairs, Dauntless, Avenger, Mitchells - consistent attacks on various Japanese island bases

7th Air Force - Liberators - consistent mass bombing raids on Truk and other island bases in Marianas/Carolines supported by Thunderbolts

13th Air Force - Liberators - raids on Palau and Marianas

The Japanese list looks like this at the moment:


Bf109E Ki-43 Oscar
Bf109G Ki-61 Tony
Bf109K N1K2-J George
Bf110C Ki-45 Nick
Bf110G E13A Jake
Me410 Ki-102 Randy
Fw190A A6M5 Zero
Fw190D J2M3 Jack
Me262 B5N2 Kate


Ju88A B6N2 Jill
Ju88C D4Y2 Judy
Ju87 D3A2 Val
He111 G4M2 Betty
V1 Okha.

But I may have to reconsider whether any are 1945 aircraft
Last edited by Moggy on Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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