What are Midways Dimensions?

To upgrade the 2001 Midway addon
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What are Midways Dimensions?

Post by Shreck »

I ask,because I am not sure,this could be X tiles,currently 4X4(1024X1024) in resolution......clouds and ships removed,color and contrast enhanced :wink:
UHR Midway...........
Not nearly finished.....must know how large to make it first! :wink:
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Post by Moggy »

Schreckie, that's a modern photo showing on the larger island the new airfield built after the war and the new harbour facilities built from 1942 onward.

This map shows the layout in 1941


To answer the queation the layout on these four EAW tiles is to scale more or less:

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Post by Shreck »

First run of it "in-game"..........
Unfortunately its not in the same orientation as your originals,so I'll have to take another whack at it :roll:
But These are fun to do!Image
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Post by Moggy »

Looks very good indeed Shreckie.

I have most of the material for the Midway upgrade. Am waiting now on Col G's hi-res Zero.

Would be rather nice indeed to get this new version of the atoll in.
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Post by Shreck »

Would be rather nice indeed to get this new version of the atoll in.

:shock: Holy Moly,well I had better polish it up a bit,orientation and island coloring wise........
Will move it to the top of the list......... :wink:
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Post by Moggy »

Hello Schreckie - I don't imagine it'll be out next :lol: So plenty of time.
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Post by Shreck »

I guess I was sleeping when Julio showed the HR Midway last year....I only knew of Wudpeckers mods :shock:
So,I had switched the orientation and had resized the Islands to get everything to fit.....and lightened the terrain considerably.....
When Julio dropped the HR bomb on me :oops:
But I decided it would be a shame to not even test it....
For what its worth :roll:
S!.....Shreck :yes:
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Post by Moggy »

Looks excellent to me Schreckie.

Now my memory is pretty crap, so with apologies to him, I too am going to have to remind myself about Julio's HR effort. :lol:
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Post by Shreck »

Well,I was pretty shocked :oops:
I dont think my time was wasted...but it is a bit of a dissapointment to find someone has already done what you've been grinding on for the previous XX hours :shock:
one more view....
a Historically accurate shape of Island can only be had by fine tuning the location of the tmods,which is do-able,but since Julio appears to have been doing just that as well(check his screenshots!)I most probably will NOT be refining this any further..... :roll:
Back to my corner :wink:
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Post by Moggy »

Hello Shcreckie,

I can't access the SimHQ board from here, so I can't see what Julio did.

My apologies if my bad memory led to you putting in hours of work. :oops:

PS - I've made you a member of the Midway working group, and I will be moving this thread onto the Midway board.
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Post by Shreck »

I can't access the SimHQ board from here, so I can't see what Julio did.

Well,when you do you'll like it I think :wink:
My apologies if my bad memory led to you putting in hours of work.

No,not at all,I didnt even verbalize I was going to do this,before I did it!So your memory isnt the issue here....plus,you can always claim senility and be done with it :lol: Lord knows I do! :wink:
PS - I've made you a member of the Midway working group, and I will be moving this thread onto the Midway board.

Thanks,one more cant hurt at this point!LOL :D
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Post by Shreck »

Okay,so at others suggestion I am going to complete this......
Just a little bit left to do!,when I'm done,should I send it to you Moggy?or Just put up a DL link from my Ripway acct.?
S!........Shreck :wink:
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Post by Moggy »

Thanks Shreckie,

If it's immediately available as an enhancement to the existing Midway setup I'd like very much to put it up on my Midway page so those who want can start using it straight away.

As indicated on SimHQ when I complete the Midway upgrade I'm going to include Wake and the other minor reefs and atolls for which we can use as many of the tile set as it takes since there are no large land masses to tile in this setup, just lots and lots of Pacific Ocean

So - if the inclination to do Wake or any of the smaller ones strikes you I have a collection of aerial photos :lol:
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Post by Shreck »

So - if the inclination to do Wake or any of the smaller ones strikes you I have a collection of aerial photos

Well :lol:
Moggy,you have my email addy!I am knee deep in all things terrain currently,so send them on over and I'll see what I can do! :yes:
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Post by Shreck »

Here you go......
and Col Gibbon suggested a lighter seas version.....so I snagged Woodys T.O.D. Blue,and did a quick conversion......
this lighter version still needs a bit of touch-up around the coral reef....but,the dark version is available here....
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